Current Initiatives

Coordinator of Resource Stewardship
Visual of laptop screen with business charts

Coordinator of Resource Stewardship Dashboard

The Coordinator of Resource Stewardship position, housed in DGO, is responsible for developing, implementing, and communicating air quality best practices to state agencies. The dashboard below gives an overview of how state agencies are doing in implementing activities and practices that will help improve Utah's air quality.
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View of hands during collaboration

Resource Stewardship Partners

Resource Stewardship Coordination is collaborative. Finding and implementing best practices for clean air works best when we work together and learn from others. Partnerships make it easier for the State of Utah to find solutions that improve air quality and keep government working efficiently.
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People working as a team

Resource Stewardship Liaisons

To better disseminate air quality best practices, and to increase collaboration between state agencies, the Resource Stewardship Liaison group was formed. Each state agency has at least one Liaison in the group. Participation is voluntary and the group meets quarterly.
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