What makes the IASP different?

Internal Audit Services Program

Two important characteristics

There are two important characteristics that make the Internal Audit Services Program different. First, we are not external auditors. Second, we are committed to work with you as your trusted advisors for continuous improvement. See the details below.

We are not external auditors

We see ourselves as trusted advisors and a valuable resource for the agencies that use our services. We want you to think of us as part of your team that provides independent and objective feedback. Our focus is on working together to fix issues, not pointing out past failures.

Illustration of office workers collaborating

Preparing you for external reviews

We’re not here to get you in trouble. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Our goal is to help your agency improve its processes, internal controls, and compliance before issues are discovered by someone else. Let’s work together so when you do face external audits and compliance reviews, you’re ready.

Illustration of internet receiving guidance from mentor