Description of Services
Internal Audit Services Program
How can we help your agency?
We can provide a variety of different services depending on your agency’s needs. Our services are generally broken up into two categories: assurance/audit services and advisory/consulting services.
Assurance and Audit Services
- Operational Performance Audits: Provide objective analyses of the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of agency programs, functions, and activities with the goal of process improvement.
- Internal Controls Audits: Provide assurance that key internal controls are designed and operating effectively to help mitigate organizational risks and hazards.
- Compliance Audits: Provide assurance that agency programs and processes comply with relevant laws, regulations, rules, policies, grant agreements, contracts, etc.

Advisory and Consulting Services
- Risk Assessments: Help facilitate the identification of significant risks that could have a negative impact on achieving agency goals and objectives, and providing feedback on management’s responses to those risks.
- Best Practices Assessments: Help to identify gaps between best practices issued by the Office of the Legislative Auditor General, and make recommendations for improved alignment with key governance, risk management, and compliance best practices.